Epiphany Kaye | The Black Friday Complete Healing Bundle
Bundle Offer #3
30% OFF
 The Black Friday
Complete Healing Bundle  
Includes a Group Coaching Program
Now Only

Includes 5 Products!!!

  • Heal From Infidelity Quickstart Course

  • Infidelity Toolkit®

  • Infidelity Healing Blueprint™ Digital Course

  • Life After Infidelity® Digital Course

  • Infidelity Healing Blueprint™ 3-Week Coaching Program

* Life After Infidelity® is a Comprehensive 10-Module Digital Course
* Infidelity Healing Blueprint™ is a 4-Module Digital Course
* Infidelity Toolkit® is digital toolkit with 35+ Techniques and Exercises
* Infidelity Healing Blueprint 3-Week Coaching Program
(next programs begin November 28, 2023 and January 10, 2024

When I released old patterns … everything in my life shifted - for the better

“I always considered myself being somebody who is already very aware. But the piece that was missing is that I was still hindered somehow by some fear, or old patterns, or thought habits, and she helped me break that down and become more aware. And so, I feel like ever since I started working with Epiphany, I know how to help myself better. So, that has had implications in everything in my life. Not just my relationship, but the way I express myself with friends, or at work, and that has been a big shift.”  - M.L.

The Life After Infidelity helped me heal my heart and my mind. 

“I get it now! When I choose myself first, I can be happy either way...with my marriage working or my marriage not working. We are still working on healing the marriage. I'm curious how this all will unfold. But what I do know is that I will not put up with any more hanky panky and require him to be remorseful and show up as the husband I deserve. Life After Infidelity helped me heal my heart and my mind. For anyone thinking about doing the this program, JUST DO IT! You will not regret it, you'll thank yourself for it tenfold!”    - S.P.

Black Friday Savings $728
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Epiphany Kaye LLC
1985 Del Amo Blvd
Suite M6093
Torrance, CA 90501

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